St. Lucie News Tribune from Fort Pierce, Florida (2024)

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Fort Pierce, Florida

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PAGE THREE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25 I960 HfflDUINER Acclaimed in Sao Paulo Rain ails to Dampen Eisenhower Reception Female Scrap for Senate? Raindrops Ticker Tape Greet Him ing firm forthright and conscientious Miss Cormier has demonstrated leadership but without antagonizing male colleagues Neither Miss Cormier nor Mrs Smith are given to much speechmaking But both have a way of making their words count when the time is right Miss Cormier operates a stationery and gift store here She is a graduate of the College of St Elisabeth in Morristown NJ She earned a master's degree Columbia University and later of Portland a mutual fund salesman and former site representative Miss Cormier 48 and Mrs Smith 62 have similar backgrounds Both are former school teachers and both have made something of an impact politically Mrs Smith was the first woman elected to the Senate in her- own right and the first to have served in both branches of Congress Miss Cormier is the first woman minority leader of the Maine House where she has been i member for 12 years like Mrs Smith she has a reputation for be RUMFORD Maine (AT) The possibility o( the nation'! first contest between two women for the US Senate looms today State Rep Lucia Cormier says she will seek the Democratic nomination for the Senate seat ot Republican Margaret Chase Smith A race between the two will depend on the outcome of the primaries on June 20 Mrs Smith lone woman In the Senate has no opposition in her bid for renomination and none ia expected But Miss Cormier will have to beat Thomas Maynard SAO PAULO Brad President Eisenhower rode bareheaded in a heavy rain today to acknowledge the acclaim of this booming industrial metropolis Brazilians danced Jumped and shouted in their enthusiasm over his visit Eisenhower flew flora Bio de Janeiro under overcast skies to spend 614 hours in this Brasilian ceremonies was Mac the family talking crow being held by sister Brenda 7 and interviewed by sister Johnette 5 Crow is two years old having been raised from fledgling and he wakes up the household every morning with such calls as Maw (Staff Photo by Art Kelly) ZERO COLD BELTS SOUTHWEST IN WORST SERIES OF STORMS Mss Black Is Crowing Debra (left) daughter of John Black assistant super intendent of the county road department was given a party yesterday her ninth birthday Master of ed to change to snow in many area The snow lino extended into southern parts of Illinois and Indiana with snow in prospect for other parts of the two states Travel flowed across the wide belt of rain and snowTwo traffic deaths in Arkansas were attributed to icy highways Fire Hoses Cool Race Tensions Crack Shot Kills 4 Before He Slain taught French and Spanish at I Chicago 220 miles aoutfcwwst of Stephens High School in Rumtord Rio He goes to Argentina Friday A drizzling rain alerted aono after the motorcade left the airport ft a downpour by tha time tho procession reached tha Praia Bandafra er Flag Plaza where thousands had gathered to see him Some had umbrellas moat did not Eisenhower donned a doffed his hat and waved Confetti and ticker tape rained down from buildings awrounding the valley ki which tho central plaza is rituatod Considering tho weather ft was a big turnout Eisenhower on arrival reported he had heard Sao Paulo to the fastest growing dty in the world He ewd in brief greeting speed) was a personal plesauro to have tho chance to first-hand the mighty achievement af this fabulous His schedule included the placing of a wreath on a memoricl to Brazilians who died so soldiers in his European command in World War Elsenhower termed this a special and to me deeply moving mission to perform in your city" Gov Carlos Alberto Carvalho Pinto of Sao Pauk State Brazil's started at In between tho covered dish and tho tournament members of the pine Needle Classei began to arrive for their afternoon of work Because of rain the ihuffleboard players had to move Into the I been set afire by incendiary aid CHATTANOOGA Tem Day9 as Crowds Pack Community Center under a hail of machine gun bullets State Police protected by an Army tank cut down Daniel Raymond 42 as he fled his burning home at Chalkhifi The home had UNTONTOWN Pa CAP) A harpshooting mountaineer who picked out moving targets like ducks in a shooting gallery shot four persons to death and wounded five others Wednesday He died By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wintry snow and sleet storms dealing crippling blows as they wept across Southwest sectionc ipse ad into the Ohio and Lower Mississippi Valleys today Most of Texas was staggered by the violent weather tha worst in a series of storms this qinter aero cold invaded the South Plains which was covered in some areas with a aeven-lneh snowfall Hundreds of families in East Texas were without heat or electricity because of power Mures and natural gas line breaks Scores of schools remained closed Snowstorms also belted eastern New Mexico southern Oklahoma and Arkansas Wednesday Falls ranged up to six inches in southern and central New Mexico and parts of Arkansas The first snow in nine yam feU in Texarkana Ark Warnings of heavy snow four indies or more were issued by the Weather Bureau for areas in a band 100 to 200 miles wide from Arkansas northeast through southeast Missouri most of Kentucky and southeast Ohio Rain and freezing rain which pelted northern sections of Louisiana and Mississippi and central and west Tennessee were expect milding Twelve tables were set most populous and richest state up for cards Meanwhile the Pine and the mayor Adhemar People In The News Briefly Remarkable Remarks: In a blistering Assent to the New Jersey supreme court opinion upholding the validity of a Nevada divorce obtained by William Schlemm of Weehawken Justice John Francis wrote: "To sanction tha destruction of marriage whon It accom-plishod by aicluning shorn is to ignore malignancy eating at tha vitals of tha country" it it it it it it Owes His Life To Pocket Items The Fort Pierce Community 'enter was literally bursting at ts seams yesterday with more than 500 persons participating in the various activities "Of course we have had larger groups for special occasions" Director Woody Dukes said "But I believe this is tho biggest at tendance wo have had for regular activities" Shell dais activities were in session during the morning with soma 87 in attendance In addition the lobby was crowded with persons who earns to watch TV programs on tha newly-purchased set Then it 12 noon about 85 of those participating in the shuffle-board tournament between Fort Pierce and Melbourne hfld covered dish luncheon This group was Joined with about the Mine number for tho tournament which Needle members continued their activities At 3:30 around TO teenagers trooped into the center for a ping pong and pool tournament now progress Time out for dinner and tho center was crowded again in the evening with teenagers who played ping pong checkers and chess and enjoyed dancing and with folks who earn to watch their favorite TV programs Fire hoses and the threat of polios billy dubs coded tempers of thousands of racially tense Negroes sod whites who stormed Chattanooga's downtown area for the second straight day Twenty persons eleven Negroes and nine whites were arrested Wednesday Police said Mstoli were taken from three of hem The mass of bunurcity was several times larger but the day's violence did not match the bitter fighting that flared Tuesday when gangs of belligerent white youths chaHcoged Nepo demonstrations for fatfegrated lunch counter service Elsewhere In the South the situation was relatively quiet on the sRdown front that spread from a demonstration hi Greensboro NX! more than two weeks ago ha Charlotte NC a Negro boy and gbi were served lunch at a department store counter reserved for whites A store official laid the light skin apparently caused them to bo mistaken for white because the sepe-gated counter policy was unchanged Both houses of the Virginia Legidatire quickly passed three tresspass bills The emergency measures were proposed by Gov Lindsay Almond Jr to thwart lunch counter siidown by Negroes Tennessee afready has a law on its books forbidding integrated service in restaurants Chattanooga officials conferred after disorder and announced new plans for handling the situation here Police Commissioner Dunlap announced tHht bis department would not permit any large asaemblies of persons to parade or congregate in the downtown area today tear gas bombs lobbed from the tank The mountaineer saw doctor only Feb 16 because hs was nervous his wife said Raymond a pipeline waiter for natural gas company had a reputation among the mountain oik in this southwestern Pennsylvania area for bong a crack shot He did his lethal shooting from the second story of his home located about 50 feet from a rural road Before police abut off tbs road to traffic Raymond firud for nine hours at almost everything that cars and trucks Only once did he fail to fire at a moving vehicle This was school bus carrying about 50 youngsters! Vetaraa state troopers hugged tiie tank as it opened ffre They too peppered the house with volley after volley Finally tha her-text Raymond tried to make run for He ran a few feet then dropped as the machine gun buQete cut through ha body Tboee iSed by Raymond were: Mary Frances Sisder and Edna Maes 53 both of Ohtopyle Pa WflUam Bird 4-yer-old highways department worker from Farmington Pa and May Maust of Farmington Pa Wounded were: Harry Qpom-well 31 of Ohiopyle Lawrence Swenglish 18 of Haddonville Pa Cariua Maust 22 husband of Mrs Maust and two Maust children Mary 2 and Eddie 18 months Raymond was armed with two rifles one with a telescopic sight Police said they probably never will know Just what triggered the tragedy klthough Raymond had been "acting nervous" His wife said he set fire to their living room about 12 hours before thi shooting began She said be dousci the fire but she was frightened and took her three children to stay overnight with' with neighbors de Barms welcomed Elsenhower and Ms party at Oongonhas Airport After military honors Elsao-bower and the governor entered so open ear and moved off flow behind a motorcycle escort for a parade through the streets to the governor's official red-denee Campos Elyslan Fields Even in the vicinity of the airport spectators fined (he curbs Fifteen minutes later a frtofle started in the center of the city and tha sparse crowd raised n-breUaa Around the plaza thousands af grammar and high school Children lined the routs Many et them wore school uniforms Spectators waved flags of tho United States snd BraziL Blue-uniformed dty pokes fined tiis big square spotted at intervals about 10 feet apart Just before the President's car arrived a hand struck wp "God Bless America" MEMPHIS Tem (AP)-J McBride 56 probably owes his life to a screwdriver a pair of glasses and a ballpoint pen he was carrying in his shirt pocket A 22-calibre dug fired point-blank from a distance of six feet truck the articles and fell harmlessly hi McBride's pocket The bullet passed through the glasses case and the pen then flattened itself against the screwdriver Pohce Inspector Wilkinson said the bullet was fired Tues- New Crisis In Italy ROME The resignation of Premier Antonio minority Christian Democratic gov eminent plunged Italy today into her and possibly longest-political crisis in 14 years President Giovanni Gronchi begins talks with elder statesmen and political leaders late today or flriday ia search of a man who can patch together nother cabinet Able to got tfce support of majority in the Chamber of Deputies The Christian Democrats although Italy's biggest party are short of a majority by 26 seats Most political observers believe the new government will be center-left coalition of Christian Democrats with Giuseppe Democratic Socialist party day by McBride's sister-in-law Ruby Fay Blankenship 40 She was charged with assault to murder and carrying a pistol Wilkinson said no motive for the shooting bad been established it it it Hubby Goodwill Not Full of It LOS ANGELES Adrienne Grey a model went to court Wednesday seeking temporary alimony pending trial of her suit for separate maintenance She said her husband beat her hit her with a shoe was unfaithful with 15 other women and took her Jewelry away the day before Day She also told the Judge she was so fearful of her husband that she gave his five rifles two pistols and ammunition to her lawyer for safekeeping Her name: Marvin Goodwill Cons Get Taste Of Shakespeare LAWRENCE Kan (AP) The scene was tense Shakespeare As Otheflo throttled Desdemooa somMoe in tha audience shouted do It buddy theyTl send you to Just don't know what to expect" said Dr Lewin Goff hi retrospect His University of Kansas players had presented scenes from "Othello snd "Teahouse of the August Moon to an audience of 900 inmates at Leavenworth Federal Prison The convicts cheered the villain in Othello and booed the except when he Wrangled the heroine Garbage Truck And Auto Bump A minor collision between a ear and a city garbage truck wai handled by police this morning It was reported that tha truck driven by Jamei Harry 24 of 440 16th SL heading east on Boi ton Ave near Preston Court had Just stopped to make a pickup As Harry dismounted from the truck it rolled backward and hit file grill snd fender of a car owned by Evard Leslie Kinney Jr 41 if 1128 Boston Ave who had Just parked In back of the truck Officer Glover said no charges would be made Two Sentenced in Prison Killing LAKE BUTTER William lacfa 21 and Joe Smith 22 are under sentence to die fa tha else-trie chair for killing a cellmate at the stats prison fa Raifori IVeiPfl Tribune Calendar Items for The News Tribune Calendar may be phoned in (HO 1-3M0J up to pm prior to date of prtlfcatton TONIGHT NURSING CLASS II meets McCarty Hixh 8chuol Room B-8 UNITY SCHOOL OT CHRISTIANITY ovary Ttauraday 1:30 Gardes Center NAVY MOTHERS meet (list sad third Thursday Is Coaat Guard Barrack Seaway Dr 8 P-m LOTAL ORDER OF MOOSE MR fnaeta every Thursday P-m Mona Halt BALDWIN REBEKAB LODGE SS Second and fourth Thursday pm IOOF HaU Florida A (Past Noble Grande meet first Thursday of each month) PILOT CLUB Meets P-m Simonses' and fourth Thursday TOASTMASTERS CLUB Siu Thursday Community Metho-iat church Fourth Thursday Southland Cafeteria 7 pm VETERANS OF WORLD WAR BARRACKS 499 Meets first and third Thursday P-m Amertraa Lesion Home Auxiliary meets earn time same plica JAY-C-ETTE CLUB Third Thursday In mouth Jayeea Information Center pm SOROPTIMI8TS meet second and fourth Thursday at pm ntrotv HOSPITAL AUXILIARY meets fourth PM day Southland cafeteii 12:30 pm Tornadic Winds in Lake City as Blustery Weather Hits State The Weather Elsewhere Florida Forecast 11 02 SOUTH BRIDGE TIDES 01 minishing tonight JACKSONVILLE through FLOR IDA STRAITS: Small craft warnings displayed South and southwest winds 20 to 30 miles per hour becoming west to northwest by Friday and diminishing Locally higher winds near flwwers and possible squalls fa north portion this afternoon Friday fair except for a few showers in Florida Straits EAST GULF: Small craft warnings display ed South and southwest winds 20 to 30 miles per hour becoming west and northwest tonight Northerly winds 10 to 20 miles per hour diminishing late Friday Winds locally higher in showers and squalls in north today Scattered floers fa sooth through tonight Friday fair in north and partly doudy fa south Georgia throughout the morning' hours" The weather bureau reported the stormy conditions an the result of a low pressure center moving across the southeastern states Cloudy skies and increasing winds were forecast for the Florida peninsula Small craft warnings flew Ml down a t-lantic coast and on the Gulf eoafl as tar west as St Marks Lake City to a small north Florida town about 50 miles southwest of Jacksonville It baa a population of some 19000 Howling gusts also struck near Jacksonville's I meson Airport damaging aomo roofs and flattening trees The atom hit thaw and gooa In minutes LAKE CITY (AP) Winds described as tornadic struck Lake north city limits before daylight today The Miami Weather Bureau issued a seven weather warning for north Florida and south Georgia The Lake City blow unroofed several frame dwellings and damaged a trailer factory built of concrete blocks but no injuries were reported Some bouse trailers at tho factory were destroyed "Thunderstorms are moving across northern Florida and southern Georgia this morning and are expected to be attended by some hail and damaging wind storms' the bureau said "Then to a possibility of one er two isolated tornadoes in the area of northern Florida and over the extreme southeast portion el High Lew Pr 31 10 38 12 27 20 58 IS 0 41 35 is 29 28 32 24 18 -3 23 14 31 20 28 IS 25 27 29 24 20 10 Si 48 SL 10 JK J2 Miami dear Milwaukee doudy Mpls-St Paul snow New Orleans doudy New York doudy Oklahoma dty dear Omaha anow Philadelphia doudy Phoenix dear Pittsburgh mow Portland Me dear Portland Ore doudy 47 Rapid dty dear 31 Richmond rain 47 31 St Louis mow 32 28 Salt Lake dty snow 28 23 San Diego dear 02 44 San TYandsco cloudy 50 Seattle doudy 39 33 Tampa doudy T1 65 Washington anow 41 84 Albany Albuquerque dear Anchorage cloudy Atlanta rafa Bismarck dear Boston dear Buffalo cloudy Chicago cloudy Cleveland cloudy Denver cloudy Des Moines ctew Detroit cloudy Fort Worth dear Helena swr Honolulu dear Indianapolis now Kansas City snow Los Angeles dear Louisville doudy AftTLT CLOUDY TO CLOUDY FLORIDA: Considerable cloudiness and rather windy today and tonight Showers becoming widely scattered fa east and south tonight Turning much colder in north and cooler in south tonight Friday fair and colder in north partly cloudy and cooler in souih High IS low 33 MIAMI and Vicinity: Partly doudy through Friday A tew scattered showers likely Cooler Friday High in lower Ota low ia 80s Small craft warnings displayed for 20 to 30 mfio mi hour winds i mumi igy Po 0 0 0 o00o 0 12 JO 02 High Wednesday Low today Run TS 114 2971 43 Barometer (8:30 am) Beach Temperature 11 ontt 71.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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