How to Get Started Solving The New York Times Crossword Puzzle (Published 2017) (2024)

  • 1.Start With the Monday Puzzles

    tl;dr: Mondays are the easiest and they get harder as the week goes on.

    This is probably a beginning solver’s most common mistake.

    You know what it’s like: You have some downtime on a Saturday and you look around for something to pass the time. Your officemate keeps bragging about his ability to finish The New York Times Crossword. You hate your officemate.

    So, not to be outdone, you pick up the paper or download our app and turn to the Saturday puzzle. How hard could it be?

    Fun Fact: The Saturday crossword is actually the hardest puzzle of the week. Contrary to popular belief, the Sunday puzzles are midweek difficulty, not the hardest. Mondays have the most straightforward clues and Saturday clues are the most vague or involve the most wordplay. Some later-week puzzle clues may require specialized knowledge.

    Just to drive the point home, let’s take a look at the difference between a Monday clue and a late-week clue for a popular crossword entry. OREO cookies (answers in puzzles are generally written in all capital letters) are such a popular entry in crosswords that they have been dubbed by some as the “official” cookie of the crossword. A typical Monday clue for OREO will be very straightforward and drive you almost directly to the answer.

    “Nabisco cookie”
    “Cookie with creme filling”
    “‘Twist, Lick, Dunk’ cookie”

    And here are some late-week clues, which might require more specialized knowledge about these delicious treats:

    “Snack since 1912”
    “It has 12 flowers on each side”
    “Sandwich often given a twist”

    We weren’t kidding you. There is a big difference between a Monday puzzle and a Saturday puzzle.

    That doesn’t mean that you can’t work your way toward solving a late-week puzzle – and we recommend that you do, because they’re fun – but it takes experience and patience.

    If you’re just getting started, though, make your life easy and solve as many Monday puzzles as you can. Eventually, you’ll be ready for more of a challenge, and that’s when you move on to Tuesday puzzles.

    Puzzle hack: Start with the Mondays and solve as many of them as you can before pushing yourself to Tuesday puzzles. You can thank us later.

  • 2.Practice Makes, If Not Perfect, a Much Better Solver

    tl;dr: Solve consistently. Crossword answers and their clues get repeated. A lot.

    Once you’ve learned an answer and how it’s clued, you can almost be sure you’ll see it again. The brain works in weird and wonderful ways, and when you start solving crosswords consistently, you’ll surprise yourself when you say, “Hey, I know that one!”

    Let’s look at our friend the OREO cookie again. The entry OREO has appeared in The New York Times Crossword a total of 389 times since the puzzle began running in 1942. Of those, OREO has been clued in one form or another as the cookie a total of 278 times.

    Fun fact: Before 1993, when the editor Will Shortz took over, OREO had been clued almost exclusively as the combining form or prefix of the word “Mountain.” Thanks, Will!

    “Keep working the puzzle every day as best you can. For a solid month after I started regularly attempting The Times puzzle, I couldn’t even solve Tuesdays. But I gave it a shot every day anyway, and I’m willing to bet that the exposure helped me improve faster.” – Tyler Hinman, five-time winner of the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, featured in 2006 documentary “Wordplay”
    “Do more puzzles. Really, that’s the only advice I have. The more you solve, the better you’ll get. It’s also useful to read Wordplay and/or other puzzle blogs, which helped me internalize the tricks and tropes of crossword clues while I was learning the ropes.” – Dan Feyer, seven-time champion of the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament

    Puzzle hack: Solving puzzles consistently helps builds up your skills, because many crossword answers appear repeatedly.


  • 3.Find Your ‘Gimmes’

    tl;dr: Scan the clue list before solving to find that low-hanging fruit, and solve those first.

    You already know more than you think you do. Scan the clue list for the things you already know, or “gimmes,” and write those in first.

    To borrow a sports term, a puzzle or individual clue on topics that you know well is said to be “in your wheelhouse.” You’ll be able to find at least a few things in each puzzle that you know.

    “Good crosswords connect to everything in life.” – Will Shortz

    You can also pick out the clues that are meant to be easiest and tackle them first. Fill-in-the-blank clues, such as “___ of Arc,” for the answer JOAN, tend to be easier because your brain just loves filling in missing information.

    Don’t believe us? Try these clues that are designed to be easy for most people:

    1. “Leonardo daVinci’s ___ Lisa”

    Even if art isn’t your thing, your brain knows the answer to this: It’s MONA, for MONA Lisa.

    These easy clues don’t even have to be fill-in-the-blanks. Your brain will do it even when there is no blank.

    2. “Hockey disk”

    Not into sports? Not to worry. Surely you still know what a hockey PUCK is.

    Once you have a few answers in the puzzle, sit back and congratulate yourself. You’re solving!

    Puzzle hack: Don’t waste time puzzling over clues that you can’t solve right away. Pick out the easier clues – what you know and fill-in-the-blanks clues – and solve those first.

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    How to Get Started Solving The New York Times Crossword Puzzle (Published 2017) (1)

    4.Use the Crossings, Luke

    tl;dr: Check your answer by seeing if you can correctly fill in the other entries that cross it.

    You can confirm whether your answer is right by solving the entries that cross it.

    Let’s look at an example of why it pays to work those crossings. You might not see this in a Monday puzzle, but say the clue is “Black Halloween animal,” and you have confidently written in “CAT.”

    Then you look at the entry that crosses the first letter of CAT and the clue is “Honest ___ (presidential moniker).” The answer to that one is ABE, so CAT must be wrong.

    Now what do you do?

    “When you enter an answer, immediately check the crossing entries through it. Start with the least common letter and go from there: If you’ve written in the word JUICE, look at the clue that crosses the newly entered ‘J.’” – Joel fa*gliano, Mini Crossword writer and Digital Crosswords editor

    The trick is to stay flexible and remember that a BAT is also a “black Halloween animal.” Tricky, but doable.

    “The key to solving crosswords is mental flexibility. If one answer doesn’t seem to be working out, try something else.” –Will Shortz

    Conversely, you can also work your way through an answer that you can’t get completely by solving the crossings. Once you have enough letters filled in, take your best guess based on the pattern of letters you’ve uncovered.

    Puzzle hack: Check your work by trying to solve the crossing entries. Solve the least common letters first, as there are likely to be fewer words with those letters in them.

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    5.Expand Your Territory

    tl;dr: Build on what you’ve already solved.

    It’s much easier to solve a clue where the answer already has some letters filled in than to try to solve one that’s completely blank, so once you have that all-important foothold, go back to those areas and try to expand your solved territory.

    Solving shorter words is helpful, too: A three-letter answer with a single letter filled in may be easier to solve than a longer answer with one letter filled in.

    Puzzle hack: Once you have a foothold in the puzzle by filling in the gimmes, try to solve around those and build from there.

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    How to Get Started Solving The New York Times Crossword Puzzle (Published 2017) (3)

    6.Be Open to Learning From the Puzzle

    tl;dr: Looking up answers isn’t cheating. It’s learning.

    Some solvers will tell you that looking up the answer to a clue is “cheating,” but it’s not. When you look something up, you are learning so you’ll know it for next time.

    Whether it’s trivia or an interesting new word or phrase, crosswords are ultimately teaching tools.

    And, quoting the former New York Times crossword editor Will Weng, one of his predecessors, Will Shortz reminds us that “It’s your puzzle. Solve it any way you like.”

    “Feel free to look up answers you don’t know and read about them – you’ll likely see those answers and clues again.” – Howard Barkin, 2016 winner of the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament

    Puzzle hack: Don’t be afraid to look up answers. You’ll become a better solver for it.

  • 7.Take a Break if You Get Stuck

    tl;dr: Walking away from the puzzle for a while can sometimes help you solve.

    We’re big fans of the brain here, especially its incredible work ethic. But even brains get tired, so if you are stuck at some point in the puzzle, one of the best things you can do is put it down and take a break from it for a while.

    We’re not sure how this works, but your brain will continue working on the clue in the background while you go about your day. When you come back to it, you might be surprised at the “Aha!” moment you experience when you thought you didn’t know the answer.

    Puzzle hack: It happens to the best of us. Put the puzzle down for a while and come back to it.

  • 8.Solve With a Friend

    tl;dr: Two brains can sometimes be better than one.

    Your wheelhouse might be stuffed with sports trivia. Your BFF’s wheelhouse might be crammed to the rafters with a deep knowledge of opera. Vive la différence, right?

    Solving with another person can work to your advantage. You know stuff your friend doesn’t know, and he or she knows stuff that you don’t know. That’s roughly twice as much stuff that you can solve, and it’s a good excuse to spend time together.

    In fact, you never know when it could lead to something more.

    “When we started dating, my wife and I would meet up on Sunday mornings to do The New York Times Crossword together. I was terrible at it, but solving with a friend quickly made me a better solver.” – Jeff Chen, New York Times Crossword constructor and assistant to the regional manager of

    Puzzle hack: Make solving a social occasion: Find a friend or loved one and do the puzzle together.

  • 9.What’s Up With Those “?” Clues, Anyway?

    tl;dr: Eventually, you will run into the clues that require you to think outside the box. That’s when it really gets fun.

    Some clues end in question marks, and those question marks indicate that a clue is not to be taken literally. The answer might be some sort of pun, or you might have to think of alternate ways in which the words in the clue might be used.

    For example, you might see a clue like “Job that might involve watching the kids?” The answer has to be BABY SITTER, right? But what if we told you that the answer is only eight letters long?

    Here’s how to crack this clue: Think about what other kinds of “kids” you know. Aren’t baby goats called kids?

    So a “job that might involve watching the kids” that has eight letters would be a GOAT HERD.

    Trust us, you’ll learn to love this part of it. Playing with words is addictive.

    Puzzle hack: Clues that end in a “?” mean that wordplay is involved in the answer. Read the clue carefully and try to think of alternate meanings to key words.

  • 10.Sit Back and Enjoy Your Accomplishment

    tl;dr: Look at you, you’re solving The New York Times Crossword!

    Solving a New York Times crossword is not easy, but it should be satisfying. Even if you only get a few answers the first few times, keep on solving. It just gets easier – and better – from there.

    But don’t limit yourself. Try to master the skills you need to get started, and then push yourself to go further into the week. That’s where all of that devious, delicious wordplay is tucked into the clues, and where the fun in solving crosswords lies.

    And your officemate will eat his liver out.

    Puzzle hack: Don’t forget to pat yourself on the back when you pick up a new solving skill.

    Want to give your new skills a workout? We made some easy Mini crosswords for you. Try them now for free.

  • How to Get Started Solving The New York Times Crossword Puzzle (Published 2017) (2024)


    How to access old ny times crossword? ›

    How to Play a Puzzle From the Archive
    1. Navigate to the Archive tab at the bottom of the Games app homepage.
    2. Select either The Crossword or The Mini.
    3. Select the month and year you would like to see puzzles from.
    4. Select the puzzle you would like to play. This will download the puzzle. ...
    5. Select the puzzle again to begin play.

    What is the hardest day of The New York Times crossword puzzle? ›

    The crosswords are designed to increase in difficulty throughout the week, with the easiest on Monday and the most difficult on Saturday. The larger Sunday crossword, which appears in The New York Times Magazine, is an icon in American culture; it is typically intended to be a "Thursday-plus" in difficulty.

    How do I reset my New York Times crossword puzzle? ›

    If you are stuck on a word, select the lifesaver icon at the top of the puzzle to check or reveal a square, an answer, or the entire puzzle: Clear - Clear the entire puzzle to start again. Reveal - Reveal the correct letters for a square, an answer, or the entire puzzle.

    How much do crossword puzzle writers make? ›

    Crossword Puzzle Maker Salary
    Annual SalaryHourly Wage
    Top Earners$47,500$23
    75th Percentile$40,500$19
    25th Percentile$26,500$13

    How do I get an old New York Times? ›

    For articles older than 1996, we recommend the following sources: Lexis-Nexis' by Credit Card service offers unlimited searching of the Times back to 1980 through your Web browser. Back Copies of The New York Times from the last 90 days can be ordered directly from the newspaper by calling 1-800-543-5380.

    How far back does the NYT Crossword archive go? ›

    Vertex. An archive of over 10,000 crosswords including our Daily puzzles back to 1993 and Minis back to 2014. A subscriber-only monthly bonus puzzle, back to 1997 (online only). The ability to sync your puzzle progress across devices when linked to your account.

    Which crossword is the hardest nyt? ›

    How hard could it be? The Saturday crossword is actually the hardest puzzle of the week. Mondays have the most straightforward clues and Saturday clues are the hardest, or involve the most wordplay. Contrary to popular belief, the Sunday puzzles are midweek difficulty, not the hardest.

    How to get better at the nyt crossword? ›

    How to Get Better at Crosswords
    1. 1 Tackle fill-in-the-blanks first.
    2. 2 Fill in 3- and 4-letter words you know.
    3. 3 Check the tense and number in the clues.
    4. 4 Look for formatting hints in the clues.
    5. 5 Familiarize yourself with common crossword answers.
    6. 6 Check intersecting words when you guess an answer.

    What is the point after the deuce? ›

    Once at deuce, you will begin to use "Advantage" or "Ad." If the server wins the deuce point, the next point is called "Ad In." If the server wins the Ad point, the game is over, and the server "held" serve.

    What does rebus mean in NYT crossword? ›

    A rebus in a crossword is a specific square in which multiple letters should be input to form part of the solution. For example a player may see squares for 5-letters to be input, but the final square could contain a word or multiple letters instead of just one letter.

    What does eg mean in a crossword? ›

    For example – EG (e.g., short for the Latin exempli gratia)

    What do you call someone who writes crossword puzzles? ›

    Also known as crossword puzzle writers, or by the more formal title of "cruciverbalist" (Latin for "crossword puzzle maker"), crossword puzzle constructors create entire crosswords from scratch.

    How much does the NYT pay for a crossword puzzle? ›

    PuzzlesSizePublished 1 – 2
    Monday – Saturday15 x 15$500
    Sunday21 x 21$1,500
    Jul 1, 2024

    Are crossword puzzles good for the brain? ›

    Research has shown a positive correlation between crossword puzzles and daily life functions, especially for people with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Experts emphasize that larger clinical trials are needed to unravel the observed associations between crossword puzzles and how our brains function.

    Can you play old nyt games? ›

    Archives. Select the Archives tab to play daily and mini Crosswords from the past. Visit the New York Times Crossword Archive in the Help Center to learn more about archive puzzle icons and navigation.

    Does nyt connections have an archive? ›

    Complete List of Previous NYT Connections Answers. For those seeking enlightenment or eager to validate their solutions, Connections Archive boasts a comprehensive list of previous New York Times Connections answers.

    Do you need a separate subscription for NYT Crossword? ›

    Games. With a New York Times Games subscription, you have access to all of The New York Times Word Games and Logic Puzzles, including: The Crossword - Access to the Daily Crossword puzzles the evening before their release in print.


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    Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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    Author information

    Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

    Birthday: 1993-07-01

    Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

    Phone: +22014484519944

    Job: Banking Officer

    Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.